Amazing homemade Natural Soap Clean Your Pores and Remove Dead Cells

The commercial skin care products loaded with chemicals which actually harm your skin so, I prefer to make my skin care products as it completely safe, natural and inexpensive and when you see how it easy to make you will not use the commercial products anymore .

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To make your rice flour soap with green tea you will need 

One glycerin soap

One teaspoon of crushed green tea leaves or green tea bag

One teaspoon of Rice flour


One teaspoon of milk

How to make your natural Rice flour soap

  1. To make the soap take one glycerin soap and cut it into small cubes, you can also grate it using a grater 
  2. Melt the soap in your microwave or you can use double boiler method by placing bowl containing soap on another pot containing boiling water  (you may also like to READ DIY Homemade Lip Scrub and Lip Balm for Sexy, Pink and Soft Lips )
  3. In the mean while take empty container and grease it with olive oil or petroleum jelly so that the soap comes out easily 
  4. When the soap completely melted add one teaspoon of crushed green tea leaves which you can get from emptying any green tea bag  
  5. Then add also one teaspoon of rice flour and one teaspoon of milk to the soap mixture 
  6. Mix well and pour the mixture in the container ( you have to do this process fast before the melted soap started to become harder) 
  7. Place the mixture in the freezer for 30 minutes 
  8. After 30 minutes remove the soap and it is ready to use

Rice flour 

Rice is very useful in getting bright and glowy looking skin, it also deeply cleans your pores and removes the dead cell . Rice flour also contains a sun protecting agent which converted into good natural sunscreen . Rice is a good anti-inflammatory agent so it is used in soothing sun burns and prevent the skin from sun tan. the fine particles help the flaky dead skin cells leave your skin in an easier way . Rice absorbs all the sebum and leave you skin smooth, acne-free and re-energized nutritional and minerals rich. Rice has been known as traditional skin lightening remedy it acts as a clearing agent it is equally wonderful to treat blemishes,fine lines and pimples. it also helps retain the elasticity and firmness of the skin to make you look fresh and young
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Amazing homemade Natural Soap Clean Your Pores and Remove Dead Cells Amazing homemade Natural Soap Clean Your Pores and Remove Dead Cells  Reviewed by Rosaline on August 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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