DIY: Fat Burner Drink To Lose 7 Pounds In Just 3 Days Over Night

Hey, what is going on, you are going to love this article as this might be the world’s healthiest most powerful fat burning drink 
You are looking for a really powerful drink that you drink and feel the fat burning effect with an even three or four nights, actually you are going to start to feel the effect after a short time because your stomach bloating start to disappear an d it is actually going to boost your metabolism and melt away that stubborn belly fat 
When you go to sleep your metabolism is much slower so in order to burn fat in your sleep you actually have to drink something or do something throughout day that is going to skyrocket that metabolism so, drinking this powerful drink is going to allow you to boost your metabolism naturally 

The health benefits in our secret weight loss recipe 

  1. It contains five of the world’s healthiest foods and most powerful antioxidants 
  2. It reduces your waistline and your stomach bloating
  3. This drink will increase your metabolism rate and detox your body from toxins
  4. Increases nutrients absorption
  5. Boost your immune system and increase your energy levels
  6. Burn your belly fats

What you need for this drink???

  1. Half lemon (Really powerful and great source of vitamin C and it is got pectin which going to boost your metabolism and increase your nutrients absorption)
  2. Half cucumber (It is amazing for weight loss and reducing your waist line)
  3. Ground ginger or you can use fresh ginger (It is great for digestion and it also going to fire your metabolism a lot
  4. Apple cider vinegar (It is very good for melting away that belly fat and increasing metabolism overall and it is a powerful detox)
  5. Turmeric powder (It is the most powerful antioxidant in the world as it is going to destroy free radicals)
  6. Honey (It is really good for your immune system and it is going to sweeten the drink and reduce the sugar cravings)
  7. Parsley and cilantro (they are loaded with micro nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. they going to help you to reduce your inflated belly so really amazing for your belly bloat)
  8. Seltzer water or carbonated water (this is the x-factor in our drink as it is going to keep you really full and it is a little carbonated which will give a really good flavor )
  9. Regular water
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How we prepare our amazing fat burning drink

  1. In your blender squeeze the half lemon 
  2. Cut the half cucumber into slices and put it in the blender 
  3. Then put about teaspoon of ground or fresh ginger and turmeric powder
  4. The next is apple cider vinegar put 3 tablespoons (It has kind of bitter sour and acidic taste but don’t worry when you mix up all these ingredients you are not even going to taste it)
  5. Add a half cup of parsley and cilantro to the mixture 
  6. Put a tablespoon of honey and after blending you can taste it if you need just a little more but not too much
  7. Finally, add a half cup of carbonated water mixed with half cup of classic regular water
  8. Blend the entire ingredient together and now our super powerful fat burning drink is ready

I want you to drink this about an hour before you go to bed and you are going to find zero sugar and zero junk food cravings after you drink this so it is going to keep you full as you see there are strategic ingredients that I included for this

That is it guys, I hope you try this and tell me your opinion and till the next article BE SAFE AND HEALTHY 

DIY: Fat Burner Drink To Lose 7 Pounds In Just 3 Days Over Night DIY: Fat Burner Drink To Lose 7 Pounds In Just 3 Days Over Night Reviewed by Rosaline on July 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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