Apply this gel every night and your dark circles will disappear in 7 days

Dark circles can look scary and everyone has them and recent researches have shown that 9 of 10 people have dark circles and here are some of their reasons why????

The main causes of dark circles

1)    Lack of sleep one of the main reasons of dark circles so, sleep more …. If you can!!!!
2)    Allergies can make your eyes itch which can contribute to dark circles due to rubbing or scratching the skin around the eyes
3)    Bad diet and lack of nutrients can contribute to discoloration of the area under the eyes also lack minerals like iron can cause dark circles too because you aren’t  getting enough oxygen to your body tissue
4)    Hereditary (Genetics) can cause dark circles as skin pigmentation on the upper part of the cheekbone and under the eyes can lead to dark circles
5)    Sun damage as it causes excess skin pigmentation due to sunburns so always wear sunscreen and sunglasses
6)    Age ….. let’s face it the older you get your skin loses collagen and become thinner and more translucent thus showing the veins under your eyes more bummer
7)    Bone structure ... Some people have deeper set bone structure create a shadow under the eyes
8)    Last but not least one of the main reasons why all have dark circles is because the skin around the eyelid is the thinner skin in the body and when blood passes through the veins close to the surface of the skin it produces bluish tent so the more translucent your skin is the darker circles you will have

How do we get rid of dark circles??? 

There are millions of ways person can do to get rid of dark circles so, I will give you a boring list of how to get rid of them
1) Sleep         2)Treat your allergies      3) Eat well, eat healthy      4) Drink lots of water
Let's be real, we sometimes don't have time to do exercise, sleep or eat healthy, However, we really should as at the end of the day your health is all we have
Regardless this is a Beauty Hack article and I will tell you a secret of how you make your own brighter gel for your dark circles

aloe-vera-gel-dark-circles-naturalbeautyhackAll you need is 3 essential ingredients

1) Liquorice extract
2) Vitamin K capsule
3) Aloe Vera gel

How to prepare your brighter gel

You will need a contact lens case or a small container for your gel

  • First, take your  vitamin K capsule and squeeze out 3 drops 
  • Now take your licorice extract and drop 2 drops and mix it up very well
  • Last step: take your aloe Vera gel and squeeze out latterly a tiny clog not too much as when you mix it up you should get a creamy mixture ( the consistency of the mixture shouldn't be too oily or too sticky it should go on smooth and disappear 

Every night before you sleep apply this mixture under your eyes
You want to make sure to use your ring finger in applying the gel as it is the most delicate finger and gently pat it and blend

The benefits of the ingredient to your skin

  • Licorice extract: incredible skin whitening agent as it works wonders for your under eyes and it is more gentle on your skin unlike other chemical skin brighteners
  • Vitamin K: helps in strengthen capillary walls and reduces the visibility of blood vessels through the skin under the eyes
  • Aloe Vera gel: extremely hydrating agent and helps in the healing process of the skin 

How to cover your dark circles until the gel works

In the main time, you need to conceal your dark circles
The first step you need to a good concealer that matches your skin tone, if you have a cool undertone use pink or red base concealer but if you have a warm undertone find a yellow base concealer

To know how to make your own homemade long lasting concealer with full coverage 

DIY homemade full coverage and long lasting concealer

Gently pat the concealer under your eyes making little spots and then blend out but remember to not drag just gently pat and smooth out
It is the best to find a concealer that  has a creamy texture but not too creamy or else it might settle into your fine lines
Finding a concealer that has a natural finish is a process that might take a time but when you find the best conceal for you, it will be your secret beauty weapon

Apply this gel every night and your dark circles will disappear in 7 days Apply this gel every night and your dark circles will disappear in 7 days Reviewed by Rosaline on July 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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